Focus Group Discussions, Wedza

Last week our Research and Community Engagement team, headed by Dr Dorah Mwenye, went to conduct focus group discussions in Wedza. They were investigating the viability of the Transport and Logistics Services with Hamba in Wedza. 

Hamba users explained how their husbands’ attitudes have changed “he understands that is where our income is coming from, [using the Hamba] even when I come home late he doesn’t complain because he knows and trust that this is where the income is coming from”. 

This perfectly highlights how social perspectives can and are changing when women are empowered - with mobility, with employment, with income. The responses indicated a new trajectory in gender dynamics at the household level. 

An enthusiastic response was received from community members who professed how they “love the Hambas, we’re happy with the services because when you call them they just come there and right on time! They offer door-to-door services so we prefer the Hamba over the Mushikashika (usually honda fit)”. 

The team’s objective is to maintain a focus on on finding out what the challenges are since the T&L drivers started operating so they can be overcome. 

It’s so valuable to sustain our research and community practices to keep in touch with the customers’ needs, help our growth, development and learning on our emobilityrevolution journey! Stay tuned for more in-depth results from the final report.