Driving Lessons


Whether you have been driving before or not, you can learn how to use the Hamba. It’s just confidence”, explained January, one of the technicians on the training team.

Last week January and Clever trained 10 women; 5 transport and logistics groups in Wedza. Driving lesson are included in our services, along with maintenance and management of battery swapping, so they’ll be the first of many drivers trained as we progress to rolling out the Hambas.

The Hamba operator curriculum is divided into theory and practical learning (check out photos from the practical sessions below ⬇ ).

 “Only one of the women had driven before, her husband has a car and had taught her how to drive it.

For the others, some were fast learners, and some slow, but we’re happy because they’re all ready to pass”, explained January.

 The final test includes a practical driving element and a verbal theory test, to make it accessible to everyone. And the top priority for our team is ensuring a safe and friendly environment to learn.

 We’re thrilled to see the first few groups of women learning and getting familiar with Hamba. Look out for more updates on our newly qualified Hamba operators and see them out and about!

#driving #womendrivers #transportsolutions #emobility #renewableenergysolutions