Mobility for Africa were very excited to be awarded 2nd runner up during this year’s Sankalp summit.
The summit hosted over 2000 stakeholders, from 50+ countries around the World, including participants from 30+ African countries. The Sankalp Forum aims to bring the community together engaging with governments, corporations, influential platforms like the G8 and G20, media and civil society to help solve problems we face through inclusive development approaches. Each year, the Sankalp Forum recognizes and rewards high impact enterprises for innovation and entrepreneurship in the Africa region which are keen to tackle key development challenges.
Mobility for Africa was recognised for our effort to disrupt the transportation sector in Zimbabwe focusing on renewable community-based transport solutions that are affordable, efficient, environmentally friendly and serves the multitude.
Nelson Mandela famously said “it always seems impossible, until it is done”. Our journey of learning by trial and error has been guided by his wisdom. Being acknowledged as the 2nd runner up in the Sankalp Africa Awards has made us all the more determined to change the way rural people, especially women, travel.