60 Decibels is an impact measurement company that was commissioned by AECF. Using their Lean Data approach to determine our impact. Some of their major findings were that:
• Mobility for Africa is creating a positive impact on women's lives with high customer satisfaction.
• The majority of customers are accessing a service like the Hamba for the first time ( 91%) and could not easily find a good alternative ( 90%).
• Most customers have experienced an improved sense of safety while travelling (92%), decreased travel time (87%) and increased self confidence level (99%).
• Mobility for Africa’s Net Promoter Score (NPS) is 85, which is great.
• All customers are using the Hambas mainly for business-related activities and are seeing an increase in income. Top uses for the Hamba are helping in luggage transportation, general mobility, and serving as a point for selling products.
• Almost all customers have seen improvements in their income, with 7 in 10 saying they’ve seen a significant increase.
Grateful to 60 Decibels team Kat Harrison, Ananya Singh, Jared Wachira Adema for their expertise & Dorah Mwenye, our head of Research for her valuable contribution.