Independent survey demonstrates impact of solving Last Mile Mobility

60 Decibels is an impact measurement company that was commissioned by AECF. Using their Lean Data approach to determine our impact. Some of their major findings were that:

• Mobility for Africa is creating a positive impact on women's lives with high customer satisfaction.
• The majority of customers are accessing a service like the Hamba for the first time ( 91%) and could not easily find a good alternative ( 90%).
• Most customers have experienced an improved sense of safety while travelling (92%), decreased travel time (87%) and increased self confidence level (99%).
• Mobility for Africa’s Net Promoter Score (NPS) is 85, which is great.
• All customers are using the Hambas mainly for business-related activities and are seeing an increase in income. Top uses for the Hamba are helping in luggage transportation, general mobility, and serving as a point for selling products.
• Almost all customers have seen improvements in their income, with 7 in 10 saying they’ve seen a significant increase.

Grateful to 60 Decibels team Kat Harrison, Ananya Singh, Jared Wachira Adema for their expertise & Dorah Mwenye, our head of Research for her valuable contribution.