ARE and UNIDO ITPO Germany Publication

Alliance for Rural Electrification and UNIDO ITPO Germany publication "E-Mobility & DRE Innovations in Emerging Economies" 👉🏻 features Mobility for Africa!
We’re really excited to be included as a case study alongside a variety of projects, across different environments, all with adaptable technologies. And being able to share some of our experiences of the challenges, recommendations, and encourage a way forward in the E-Mobility and Decentralised Renewable Energy (DRE) sectors.
With an ever-increasing e-mobility sector, inclusivity and the challenge to bring transport solutions to rural areas is Mobility for Africa’s core focus. For the e-mobility revolution to make it rural, offgrid renewable Energy systems are crucial to support EV fleets and ensure sustainability.
“In 2020, 733 million people around the world did not have access to electricity, with the majority of people suffering from energy poverty located in rural and peri-urban areas.” Currently, in Zimbabwe, we are facing countrywide power outages with one of the country’s main electricity sources, the Kariba South Bank power station, being shut until review in January 2023. Now, more than ever, we have seen how vital DRE systems are, to accommodate increasing electricity demand and support use of EVs to enable low carbon and environmentally sustainable mobility solutions for rural communities.
Our work on our pilot projects would not have been possible without the support from our ongoing partnerships with AECF EIS - EXA Innovation Studio, EEP Africa and Toyota Mobility Foundation and most recently, InfraCo Africa.
And special thanks to Authors: Deepak Mohapatra (ARE), Robin Kuranel (UNIDO ITPO Germany) for including us in the publication.
Editors: Michael Schmidt (UNIDO ITPO Germany, Justus Schneider (UNIDO ITPO Germany), David Lecoque (ARE), Jens Jæger (ARE), Ling Ng (ARE), Okan Ă–zkan (ARE), caroline kantono(ARE)
Peer reviewer: Ă–nay Geylan (UNIDO)