Introducing Babra

Introducing Babra Dondo! She joins the Mobility for Africa team as Site Coordinator in Chipinge, Zimbabwe. Babra, who was born and raised in Chipinge, is a mother of two boys, holds an Honours Degree in Human Resources Management, and did her Leadership at Chipinge Town Council.

Having been based at the Mayfield Headquarters for almost a month she said:
“I have really seen how MFA has come to the rescue of the local fellow women with the Hambas. Like how domestic work has been made much easier than before. This project has not only helped the women but the whole community at large. The transport crisis here has been resolved amicably.

It has been a great honour joining such a team who are very welcoming and hard working. I am pleased to be part of the team that do such a great work and am sure this won't just help my community only but the whole nation at large.”

We’re thrilled to have Babra on the team and managing our Chipinge base!

Babra (on left), pictured with Thandi (left) - Community Engagement for MFA